Wind Electric systems

Consists of:-
1-Wind generator:- the most common type to generate electricity in the system is a three-bladed wind generator.
3-Batteries:- to store the electric energy which can be used when there is no wind.
4-Charge controller:- to protect batteries from overcharge.
5- Inverters:- convert DC electricity generated by the wind generator to AC. ArabEnergy takes care of wind turbines over their life time to ensure high efficiency and optimal technical operation.
LWS-PXW( Low Wind Speed-Power Cross Wheel)
- This module operates from a height of half a meter up to 10 meters above ground level.
- It operates wherever airflow is present.
- Suitable for low to very high wind speed.
- It can be used when there is an outflow of liquids.
- The wind modules are connected to an axis.
- They offer wind photovoltaic facilities.
- Wind turbines are available in 100 /200 /300 / 500 Watt (50 / 100 for vertical turbine for parks)
- Our turbines are TÜV-certified.
- We also offer vertical current turbines for park lights.
Wind modules can be used with solar plants (hybrid connection).
Les systèmes électriques pour l’énergie éolienne
Composé de : -
1) Un générateur de vent - le type de générateur le plus commun afin de produire de l'électricité dans le système est un générateur de vent à tripale.
2) Un pylône (i.e. le mât de l’éolienne.)
3) Batteries : - pour stocker l’énergie électrique, qui peut être utilisée quand il n'y a pas de vent.
4) Contrôleur de charge : - pour protéger les batteries contre les surcharges.
5) Convertisseurs/Onduleurs : - convertit le courant continu (i.e. énergie DC), généré par le générateur de vent, en courant alternatif (i.e. énergie AC.) ArabEnergy prend soin des éoliennes tout au long de leur durée de vie, afin d’assurer une grande efficacité et un fonctionnement technique optimal.
LWS-PXW( Low Wind Speed-Power Cross Wheel)
This module operates from a height of half a meter up to 10 meters above ground level.
It operates wherever airflow is present.
Suitable for low to very high wind speed.
It can be used when there is an outflow of liquids.
The wind modules are connected to an axis.
They offer wind photovoltaic facilities.
Wind turbines are available in 100 /200 /300 / 500 Watt (50 / 100 for vertical turbine for parks)
Our turbines are TÜV-certified.
We also offer vertical current turbines for park lights.
Wind modules can be used with solar plants ( hybrid connectio